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Mr. Sut Bawn Ring is The Director and a co-founder of Pyoe Development Organization. He has 14 years experience in community development and humanitarian sectors and holding advisory, leadership positions working on inequality, strengthening CSO capacities,  access to basic services and governance in Kachin state.  He graduated in 2008 from University of Mandalay with a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology). He is a Kachin Christian and a native of Myitkyina from Kachin State. ​ The Director holds a pivotal role within the foundation, serving as a crucial management figure who steers the organization's mission. This role involves supervising the foundation's operations, initiatives, and strategic roadmap. Additionally, the Director assumes the responsibility of offering guidance, direction, and a sense of purpose to the organization's staff, while guaranteeing that all activities align with established policies and plans. Fundraising and engaging with the community are also integral aspects of the Director's responsibilities. Collaborating closely with the Management Team and staff, the Director ensures that the foundation's mission is effectively executed through well-designed programs, thoughtful strategic planning, and active community involvement. This position directly reports to both the Management Team and the Advisory Team.

(Director -2008 To Present )

Mr. Sut Bawn Ring

Mr. Han Lin is Admin and Humanresource Manager and a co-founder of Pyoe development organization. He is a Shan Christian. He holds Becherlor of Science in Physics at Banmaw University and holds Diploma in Secretary Management, Diploma in Development Studies from Yangon University of Economics.

(Admin/HR Manager)

Mr. Han Lin

(Finance Manager)

Mrs. Hpaga Ja Ra

Mrs. Hpaga Ja Ra is Finace Manager. She started working as accountant in 2013. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Geography from Myitkyina University. She is a Kachin Christrian from Kamaing, Kachin State.

(Program Manager/Developement)

Mr. Min Sar

Mr. Min Sar is program manager of development program. He was also a former director of PYOE (2012-2017). He has over 10 years of in-depth experience in working in conflict areas in the Kachin State particularly in CBO/CSO strengtheing, youth leadership and assisting with advocacy for human rights. a leading figure of the Kachin State Civil Society Network (KSCN), a network of over 50 civil society organizations. He graduated from Myitkyina University with Bachelor of Sciences in Mathematics. He holds Certificate in CommunityManagement from TGI-ITS and Diploma in English Language and Computer Studies.

Pyoe Program Manager

(Program Manager/Protection)

Ms. J Ja Seng Aung

Ms J Ja Seng Aung is Program Manager of Protection Program. She joined Pyoe in 2013 as an Area Coordinator. Before taking Program Manager, she has played in various role that includes Youth Learning Center incharge, Admin/HR officer, Area Coordinator and Project Manager. She has awide range of expreience and specialization in Child Protection. She graduated from Myitkyina University with Master of Arts in English.

(Program Manager/Community Empowerment)

Ms. Roi Nu

Ms J Ja Seng Aung is Program Manager of Protection Program. She joined Pyoe in 2013 as an Area Coordinator. Before taking Program Manager, she has played in various role that includes Youth Learning Center incharge, Admin/HR officer, Area Coordinator and Project Manager. She has awide range of expreience and specialization in Child Protection. She graduated from Myitkyina University with Master of Arts in English.


“We strive for a just and sustainable society where everyone has Rights to develop themselves."


PYOE Development Organization is a non-profit civil society not based on race or religion formed to build a just and sustainable developing society.​


  • To improve the living standard of the people

  • To advocate that truly represents the people for constructive change (People centered Advocacy)

  • To promote and protect activities for the rights of people.

Core Value

1. Everyone in accordance with human dignity has the rights to equally create and access their opportunity and rights

2. We value the environmental, natural resource protection and maintenance

3. We value human resource development of youths and community-based organizations

4. We value unity in diversity

5. We value well-being and sustainable development of grassroots communities

Organizational Approaches:

At everything we do, we as an organization constantly follow the following approaches with great respect to human rights and human dignity.

Rights-based Approach - The rights-based approach is applied in all the projects and program implementation as Pyoe

Development Organization believe adhering and respecting human rights as the foundation to sustainable development. The rights based-approach for the organization means provision of protection services, understanding and respecting the international human rights declaration and human rights principle as well as complying to national and citizenships rights of the country. At the same times promoting the rights holders to understand their rights and claim

for their own rights through capacity building of the rights holders. In addition, the organization strive for the duty -bearers to understands the rights of every individual so that they offer the best appropriate protection services to the people. When implementing this right basedapproach, the organization strongly adhere to the principles of accountability, equality, nondiscrimination and participation.

People-Centered Approach - Pyoe development organization employ People-Centered Approach to all its humanitarian and development actions. The people-centered approach for Pyoe is defined to promote selfreliance of the local communities, Justice in all actions and participatory decision making of the communities.

Conflict Sensitivity and Do No Harm - Conflict Sensitivity and Do No Harm approach shall be directed to all humanitarian and development intervention Pyoe development perform. It will also be important part of

organizational policies, procedures and project design by thorough study and analysis of the conflicts, its relation and consequences to the community and social economic environment. The organization will pay careful attention not to worsen the situation by its project and program but to contribute to the conflict resolution and transformation at all its ability.

Inclusion - Pyoe ensure all people regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, region, disability are involved in all

of the humanitarian and development action taken by the organization. The inclusion of miniority, most vulnerable groups and individual are at high priority of the organization approach. The equality and inclusivness in resource sharing, access to opportunitis and services as well are the major priority in the organization’s approach.


Pyoe Development Organization, formerly known as MAS Local Development Network (Kachin), embarked on its remarkable journey in 2006 under the auspices of the Multi-Action Services (MAS) Youth Fellowship Program, spearheaded by the Nyein (Shalom) Foundation to nurture and empower young men and women as village development workers. Collaborating with Metta Development Foundation, Actionaid Myanmar, and Nyein (Shalom) Foundation, trained youth to promote participatory decision making processes, community-based organizations, self-reliant  and sustainable development.


After the successful conclusion of the third batch of MAS Fellowship Program in April 2012, passionate fellows gathered to envision the future of sustainable community development. Fuelled by determination and vision, they formed the Initial Networking Group, aspiring to transform into a full-fledged community-based organization. Their goals included building capacity, strengthening self-help groups in villages, and human resources development.


By May 2013, the Initial Networking Group took a momentous leap towards independence and officially established MAS Local Development Network, Kachin (MAS LDN) as an autonomous entity. A defining moment came in May 2014 when the Organizational Management Team Meeting decided to rebrand, leading to the birth of Pyoe Development Organization, reflecting our evolving mission and unwavering commitment to fostering just and sustainable and peaceful society in Kachin state.


Today, Pyoe Development Organization stands tall as a testament to the power of collaboration and a beacon of dedication to positive change. Our transformation from young village development workers to an independent organization showcases the potential of collective efforts in creating lasting impacts, empowering communities, and nurturing self-reliance. Together, we strive to build a brighter future for all, making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Governess & Leadership

Pyoe organization has the 2 main governance body (Advisory Team & Management Team),  they are controlling and managing the organizational strategic and program to achieving organization Goal.


  • Advisory Team: are formed by 9 persons from the leaders of local faith-based organization, NGO. They are only advising to the Pyoe Organization by providing their technical skill and knowledge.


  • Management Team (MT): has a responsible for the decision-making process of the whole organization management. At present, there has 6 staff of Pyoe Management according to the Pyoe Organizational Manual, 2013. The Management Team (MT) assumes responsibility for overseeing day-to-day organizational matters, project activity management, financial management, and human resource management. Additionally, they play a crucial role in formulating policies, strategies, and plans for the organization. Chaired by the Executive Director of PYOE, the MT convenes for meetings every three months. The MT directly holds accountability to the advisory team, donors, partners, staff, and local communities. Their responsibilities encompass ensuring active community participation in all project and program levels, engaging vulnerable groups such as youth, women, children, people with disabilities, the elderly, racial and ethnic minorities, and individuals from the LGBT community. They also foster collaboration with existing groups and organizations and ensure the recognition of local cultures, traditions, and resources.


Management Team is expected to consistently uphold the values and aspirations of PYOE in their actions and decisions.


Currently, Pyoe is functioning with 3 Programs, Admin/HR department and Finance department, running with total of (13) staff.




Pyoe Developemnt Organization

Call Us : 09 255 166 088


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